
Senin, 24 Desember 2012

Black Team

October, 5th 2012

My friends and I got  invitation from Qomah (one of my friend in XII IPA 1 Family) to come to her birthday party. She asked us that the dresscode is black. It was about 3 pm, we gathered on the Halte Food. Then, the birthday party was started.

As the habit on birthday party, we sang "Happy Birthday To You" together. Then, Qomah blow out her birthday candles, sliced the cake and gave it to special people. The last, we tasted foods that is served there. We also took some photos. That's what we (XII IPA Family) always do! LOL

After the party finished, some of us (some girls) didn't straight go home. We went to Siring Laut -place in edge sea. What did we do? Of course, we took photos there.  Everybody is a model!   Happy together! What I always think after getting nice experience with them are "Can I get the others nice experiences with them some months later? Will I meet great friends like them (XII IPA 1 Family)? Whether I can meet them anymore on future?" 

Lots of questions and guessing in my mind. It makes me do it. Before going to every invitation, I always asked my beloved Mom's pemission to go home late if I wanna take a walk. Yes, I often do that right now. Once? Never! I always go home on time. Do you know why? It's cause I wanna make and get  (last) beautiful remembrance with all of them. We can't feel like it if we had graduated from Senior High School. :'

Back to story. After getting some photos and the day was going to dark, we went home together. We surrounded the city some minutes then spread out to our home. On the way, lots of people look at us. How not? We were black team on the road. The wrong things was the majority of our motorcycle is automatic. It's not compatible with name "Motorcycle Gang". LOL

Took some photos on Qomah's birthday ;) Here they are
Behind, Left- Right: Nita, Erika, Mia, Desyta, Qomah, Thata, Desi, Me, Mahda Fatma, Isna
Front, Left-Right: Dinda, Taya, Irma, Eka, Luthfie

Tasted the dish :)

Me, Eka, Fatma and Mahda :)

Fatma and Me :)
Me, Mahda, Yayas - Yayas, Me, Mahda

The wonderful memories with them on Siring Laut after Birthday Party

Left-Right: Lia, Dinda, Nita, Mahda, Nanda, Erika, Irma, Mia, Me, Eka, Isna, Taya, Fatma

It's the photo I love most! 
Let's jump and feel so FREE!!!!

Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

Nice Picture

I just wanna show my friend's drawing.  :D  I got it when there was an art lesson. He said that's a picture of me. He gave it to me. I'm so flattered about it! :) The other friends said the picture is similar to me but the glasses is too big.  I also show it to my parents and they said "That's similar to you but it will be more similar if the chin of picture isn't too sharp."   I'm still wondering whether it's similar to me? Then, I compare the picture with some of my photos. When I found my Junior High School photo, I think this is me that's similar to picture! :D

Love it! ;)

I compare with these but not similar, I think! LOL


Not correct! :D TRY AGAIN  LOL

When I found it, this is it!! My parents agree that it's similar to picture. :)

I don't know the other persons except my parents and my friends said about the picture. Overall, I love the picture! Thank you so much Dillah (Muhammad  Saidillah) !!

Jumat, 21 September 2012


Satu bulan yang lalu, tepat pada tanggal  21  Agustus adalah suatu momen spesial bagiku. Seperti kebanyakan orang yang baru menginjak tahun ke 17 dalam  menghirup udara di bumi, aku juga merasakannya. Angka 17 tersebut memang terasa berbeda sehingga menjadi momen spesial.  Karena  dianggap special bagi sebagian orang (termasuk aku), tidak sedikit yang merayakan momen ini dengan teman-teman ataupun sanak saudara. Apakah kamu termasuk bagian ini saat bertemu 17-mu?

Merayakan momen 17 tahun alias sweet seventeen ini bukanlah suatu keharusan ataupun adat yang wajib dilaksanakan. Walaupun aku menganggap momen ini special, namun aku tidak termasuk golongan yang merayakannya. That’s no matter to celebrate or not, I think.

Sweet seventeen kendatinya adalah suatu titik permulaan di mana kita telah dipercaya menjadi seseorang yang benar-benar menuju dewasa secara de facto. Memasuki tahap dewasa berarti mulai meninggalkan masa anak-anak. Dewasa juga berarti telah mengerti hal-hal yang benar dan dapat dilakukan serta hal-hal yang salah, yang dilarang untuk dilakukan sehingga harus bisa bertanggung jawab atas apa yang dilakukan.

Berbagai bentuk cerita terjadi ketika seseorang menyambut momen ini. Ada yang biasa sampai luar biasa. Aku mengategorikan diriku mendapat cerita di antara sedang dan luar biasa.

Saat itu, 20 Agustus 2012, keluaraga kami sedang berada di Yogyakarta tepatnya di Imogiri.  Kami memiliki jadwal ke kota bersama keluarga besar  pagi itu. Tidak ada yang aneh sampai kami memutuskan kembali pulang ke Imogiri. Selesai makan siang di suatu rumah makan, kami yang terbagi dalam dua mobil antara keluarga Pak Lik (paman, red) dan keluargaku berpisah alias beda arah. Kami berencana mengunjungi rumah kerabat lama orang tua untuk silaturrahim sedangkan keluarga Pak Lik memilih untuk pulang.

Malam tiba, ketika kami  sampai di rumah, tiba-tiba Bu Lik (bibi, red) , menyuruh aku dan adik melewati pintu samping dengan alasan ada tamu di ruang utama supaya kami tidak mengganggu. Tiba-tiba lampu mati mendadak. (Sebenarnya, kalau mau iseng, aku bisa saja tetap menerobos di pintu utama hehe). Dengan mata penuh selidik mencari kebenaran (?), aku dan adik masuk. Terlihat bayangan dua lilin kecil menyala dari belakang tirai. Muncullah mereka  satu persatu sambil menyanyikan lagu Selamat Ulang Tahun dan membawa kue tart. :')

It was nice little surprised from my big family! I don’t know who has the idea. My cousin said this is an idea from my beloved brother but he doesn’t said so. Anyway, thanks for my brother, Wili; my cousins: Adi, Ayu, Win; my uncles: Pakde Tejo and Lik Kadi; my aunty, Lik Mi; and my grandparents: Mbah Warto; also for Om Wiwis, the great driver of Pak Lik’s family.  About my parents, they also surprised about it.

Selain kejutan kecil yang indah itu, aku juga mendapat ucapan dan doa dari keluarga dan teman-teman yang inti dari semuanya semoga aku menjadi insan yang lebih baik lagi (Amin). Aku juga menerima beberapa kado dari teman-teman saat masuk sekolah. How glad I am. Thanks all! :D

17-ku. Suatu hal yang termasuk ditunggu  ketika sudah mendapatkan 17-ku adalah aku sudah bisa memiliki Surat Izin Mengemudi. Ya, SIM! Adanya SIM yang bertengger manis dalam dompetku membuatku lebih tenang saat keluar rumah. Itu artinya tidak perlu lagi kucing-kucingan dengan polisi ketika ada razia. :D

17 tahun sebenarnya hanyalah sebuah simbol. Implementasinya ada pada diri kita masing-masing, apakah kita mampu menjadi seorang yang sudah dianggap siap untuk menjadi dewasa?

17 means be wiser to walk on future!

Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012

Cooking Debate

My heart beating gradually faster. I felt it this morning. It often happens when I confronting competitions. I'd prepared many things that be needed for this competition as well as I can. But, I always felt never well prepare on this competition. After attempting and praying, I surrender all of results to God. 

The competition would be begun soon. Committee prepared and checked implements. It was English debate competition. After being chosen random, our team that the members were Luthfie, Adelia (Dhea) and me be the first dual with team from another school.

Dhea, my junior class, was given time to prepare this competition is less then fifteen hours. Ready or not ready, she had to be ready. She succeed one of my friend that resigned from this competition because of something. I never imagined if I be Dhea. She was great. She wanted to succeed my friend. How great she is!

The competition went on. Our team lost. Our opponent team continued to next round to debate again. From participants who I watched, I know all of them were great cause they represented their school there. There were trained participants, talented participants, trained and talented participants and less of preparation participants. 

I know my weakness at that moment. I less of practising. (My debate practising with my dolls apparently it hadn't be maximal yet).It is about the common reason: less of time or actually difficult to manage time. After watching great debaters, I'm like getting recipe to be like them. These are ingredients of the recipe:

1. Understanding of English
2. Can speak English (though you'd been fluent yet)
3. Understanding motions
4. Having complete facts about the motions
5. Practise
6. Practise
7. Practise
8. Being confidence

The recipe has to be complete without less of one ingredients. If you less one of ingredients, consider you only have 1-4 ingredients so the food (performance) won't be delicious (maximal) on taste (result). Or the other probability. You only practise once time or few practising make your performance is awkward (not fluently).

In this case, there is exception for talented persons. Talented persons have the skill from themselves so that they can be great persons on their skills, whenever with or without practising. But, it is better for talented or not, we've to always attempt, practise, practise and practise in order to get maximal result. 
Practise makes perfect! 
June,25th 2012

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

My Beloved Best Friend

What do you think about best friend?
Okay, Let me tell about best friend from my point of view.

Best Friend is someone or people on group that exchange stories of life. We can listen the story each other. They'll try to give a solution. We always banter together without anyone who be hurt. Best Friend always support each other to be better. They don't be there for defeating the other. They always do a mutual cooperation. 

Best Friend don't just come when someone's happy. Best Friend always be our side though we being sad. Best Friend is  "A friend in need is a friend indeed." Best Friend will try to amuse and give motivating to rise from the sadness.  Best friend is not a coward who has two-faced. Best Friend doesn't talk about us behind our back. Best Friend doesn't have a nice face only in front of our face. I'm sure everybody hate people who have character's like "Wolf in sheep's clothing."

Those are about best friend in general. I have a best friend indeed. She and I always exchange our stories. We listen each other. We look for the solution together. We banter together. Everything is together. She always pacifies me when I being sad. She always give me motivating to rise when I being down in the dumps. She always supports my way. She never let my mental down but she always adjusts me when I chose the wrong way. She always give me a clear understanding about my way. She always knows what I feel without any word from me. She always helps me in every time till it had done even it occupied her time.  Overall, I know nobody perfect nor me. So, I can't ask somebody to follow all  what I want.

I love her so much. Because she is my everything. She knows me more than I know about myself. You're my everything, Mom. You are my beloved best friend. I'll never repay your kindness as much as you give to me.  I'll be a daughter as you and father want (Insya Allah, Amin).

I think every mother loves her children. But the way to show her love to children on every mother is different. We'll never repay her kindness as much as she gives to us. Therefore, we have to respect our mother. If your mother had passed away, pray for her. I'm sure all of mother want the best for her children. Make her be proud to us by showing our great achievements!

Happy Birthday, Mom!
Image source -
Have a long life and all the best. May Allah's blessing you as always. Amin.

Thank you for teaching  me about life since the first time I see the world till I be teenager to grow up. Thank you for everything you give me patiently. I love you Mom.

March, 16th 2012

Senin, 05 Maret 2012

Frog is Profit

It was morning in Banjarbaru when I was holiday last year. My family was preparing ourselves to take a walk. I still read a novel and so did my sister. My Mom made her face up. My Daddy was in terrace, exactly in garden. Suddenly, my father called me and my little sister. 
"Gia... Chevi... come here! Let me make a match!"
"Match? What match?" I thought in my mind.
"This is garden of our house. Now, I ask both of you to look here for search a frog  in all of small garden area. I give you the border. Just here and here." he explained us.
Wow match! The border is only about 100 x 50 cm. It was small, of course! See here, see there, see here, see there. Where is the frog? Frog...?!

My Daddy saw his children that was confused. He gave helping.
"Dears! You can do like this. See from the corner horizontally."
He showed it in the dry land (nothing grass). Certainly, we didn't look there for the frog cause nothing grass that can cover our sight. ^^a

Before we did this match, my father promised, he would give a hundred thousand rupiahs to anyone that find frog. LOL yea yeah!! Well, maybe you thought that "Oh, reasonable!" Do you know? It is so much for student like me. 

Voila! I found frog! My Daddy looks liked rather shocking. :D Do you know?? The frog is in the pot. The pot is full of grass . But, no problem. I had found it! :D  The key of success, except the honest, we can say THE ACCURACY, of course!

Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Tour -Part III-

Tuesday, 7th 2012

Go home :'D

Before going to Kotabaru, we went to Martapura to buy some gifts as necklace, ring, bangle and brooch. We also visited the yard in Martapura.

Nanda, Nita, Me and Luthfie

Sawal in action

The whole way to Kotabaru, some of us slept. After crossing the sea, it means we had been in Kotabaru, all of us awake all of sudden. We sang together on the bus. So noisy but made us happy together! It made somebody on the street turn his head to our bus. We also had a slogan on the whole way, "PAMAN IS THE BEST!!" (Uncle driver is the best, red). Uncle Adi shook his head, laughed and drove at the same time. LOL
It was nice unforgettable experience. I'll miss XI IPA 1 Family when we will have been separate after finishing our study at SMAN 1 Kotabaru :').

Go home :')

We're fruity students. There are various characters of XI IPA 1 Family and that's nice!

Tour -Part II-

Second Day, Monday Feb 6th 2012.
After taking a bath, I felt bored to wait the time till 10:00 am to go to another place that we would visit. I "visited" the other of my friends' room. Then, I took a walk to the BKKBN yard, felt fresh air there with my friends. Here they are :)

On my friends' room :)

Gaje together
Me, Nita and Luthfie
Me and Dinda
Everything can be a background =D
(Dinda, Me and Taya)

Taya and Dinda :)

Because of the workers of BKKBN came, we decided to back to the room. After having breakfast, my boredom came in my mind again, I entered to others room and "disturb" them. LOL ;D
Some of them were updating their status on facebook. "Oh, how pity my facebook, I seldom open you ;("

On 10:00 am, we went out from the mess to other place. Uncle Adi drop us on the middle of the town -in Mitra. Then, we scattered to all direction again.
It was 02:00 pm.  Some of us included me felt so hungry but we were confused where would to go (cause we should back to mess on 5 pm). Then, we (not all) having lunch on Rumah Makan Soto Banjar Bang Amat after Uncle Adi and Mrs. Else picked us up.

Before arriving at there, we got problem. Bus couldn't pass the street cause it was blocked by a tent, the boys must lift the tent up. Unfortunately, the bus hit the tent though the boys has lifted it up and made it had a little broken. After that, bus could pass it cause boys lift it up higher. We had a lunch there, tasted Soto Bang Amat that is famous on Banjarmasin. There was a "bet" between my friends. Anyone who was brave to dance  with Music of Panting among us would get money from another. Finally, there wasn't anybody who want to be lost so that both of them dance together. They danced so confidence. Many cameras took their photos included the other visitors. How lucky I am, have friends like them! :) lol

Pity Tent =D

Musik Panting amuse us when had a lunch

Hmm, yummy! :D

Let's dance together! :D

On the afternoon, the boys still had a spirit to play futsal. On the night, Mrs. Else bought martabak telur and martabak manis (terang bulan) for us. We also discussed about go home. She decided to went home tomorrow morning (Feb, 7th), we agreed. Actually on the plan we would back home on Feb 8th but the purse became thinner. So, go home?? No problem!

Futsal must be held :)

This is the best Martabak Telur that we have ever tasted!
To be continued on Last Tour -Tour Part III-

Tour -Part 1-

(Actually I wanna post it a week after going home.)

Sunday, February 5th 2012
I went to Banjarmasin a week ago. Banjarmasin is a capital of South Kalimantan province. I live on Kotabaru, in  a small island, southeast of Kalimantan Island.

Actually, it was not interesting about went to Banjarmasin cause some people of Kotabaru always spend their holiday to Banjarmasin. But, go to Banjarmasin in this time.. I think it was very special, very interesting and very amazing!!  I went to Banjarmasin with my beloved family, XI IPA 1 family (included Mrs. Else -our teacher- and her daughter). Yup! I went there together! We spent the day more than 24 hours together. :)

Places that we visited were not interesting one to be talked cause have an experience in togetherness is beautiful thing and it will be a remembrance on beautiful album, written Unforgettable Experience with XI IPA 1 Family.

Well, these are our experience 

On Saturday afternoon before going to Banjarmasin, my mobile phone ringed in many times and so did my friends. I felt all of us too busy on that time -packing time.

Sunday 06:45am I've been ready to get new experience.

I'd been ready :)
We assembled on Dinas Perhubungan office cause we went there by Dishub bus. =D.  08:45 am We left Kotabaru! I sat with Nita on the bus. On the way to Ferry - transportation inter island, Kotabaru Island to Kalimantan Island- it was extreme. We met blue car and we was behind it. When the road was no people, the blue car walked on the middle of the road as if it didn't want to give us a way.  Then, we were surprised and more surprised when the blue car turn left and turn right on the road and plus the driver opened-closed his door. We shouted together suddenly. In fact, our driver -Uncle Adi- said that the driver of the blue car is his friend so that the driver knew we wanna passed him so he blocked our way.
"Oooooohh!!" we shouted after being surprised. Finally, blue car yielded to us and we shouted (again) "Horray!"
Nita and Me
Me and Luthfie -In front of my seat.
XI IPA 1 Family 

On 09:10am We arrived on Ferry. It's about 30 minutes to arrive on next harbor.
On 01:00pm Stop on humble restaurant -rumah makan, Indonesian red. After having a lunch, we took some photos. =D

Our dolls also felt full after having lunch =D LOL

Our journey was continued. The situation on bus were noisy suddenly when our bus wanted to overtake other cars cause we thought that it was too close, actually no. =D

05:00 pm We arrived at mess -penginapan, Indonesian red, on BKKBN mess. We looked for room mates and we felt rather scary cause some mystics story about this place. But, the show must go on!
The girls were divided by four rooms and boys were divided by 3 rooms. I got on seven's room number. My room mate were Nita, Luthfie, Mrs. Else and her daughter. After putting our bags, we queued for taking a bath.
After praying Isya, we went shopping to Duta Mall. First, we had a dinner on KFC. Then, we scattered to all directory on Duta Mall, searching for what we want.
On 09:30 pm we went back to mess.

Waiting for our dinner
After buying some things and waited for the other friends to come.

To be continued...