It's my first birthday! Yeayy!!
Sepuluh hari yang lalu adalah ulang tahun pertamaku. Ulang tahun pertamaku sebagai anak Jogja. Ulang tahun pertamaku sebagai (calon) mahasiswa. Ulang tahun pertamaku sebagai wali atas adikku tercinta. Ulang tahun pertamaku sebagai New Berlian Chevi.
Semuanya serba baru. Tempat tinggal baru, tetangga baru, sekolah (kampus, red) baru, teman baru, guru (dosen, red) baru, tanggung jawab baru dan tentunya sejarah baru. Di sini secara resminya terhitung pada ulang tahun pertamaku sebagai anak kemarin sore yang telah delapan belas tahun turut "menghabiskan" oksigen dan berpartisipasi "menyumbang" karbon dioksida, mulai mengukir sejarah baru. Sejarah tentang sebuah perjalanan menuju suatu titik di mana semua orang menginginkannya tetapi tidak semua orang berusaha mengejar, mencapai dan mendapatkannya. Titik itu bernama kesuksesan. Ya, sebuah kesuksesan yang diharapkan membawa kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat bagi siapapun yang bisa memegangnya dengan erat.
Ulang tahun pertama yang diisi dengan deringan handphone dari teman-temanku tersayang dan saudara tercinta serta notification di facebook maupun twitter. Diawali dengan ucapan selamat dan doa orang tua untuk menyambut pagi 21 Agustus-ku. Hari yang indah untuk mengawali bertambahnya nilai umurku yang diiringi dengan berkurangnya jatah umurku. Semoga akan selalu indah dan berakhir dengan indah pula. Amin.
Banyak doa dan harapan dikirimkan kepadaku. Dalam masa transisi antara siswa dan mahasiswa ini aku memang tidak bisa mendapatkan quality time bersama teman-temanku tersayang karena kesibukan masing-masing serta keberadaanku yang memang sedang tidak sewilayah dengan mereka sehingga hanya doa dan harapan digital-lah yang dapat kuterima. Itu semua sudah cukup, bahkan kukatakan lebih dari cukup. Mengetahui mereka mengingatkupun, aku bahagia. Terkadang aku bisa mengatakan bahagia itu sederhana. Ya, seperti inilah.
Dalam kebahagiaanku menyambut ulang tahun pertama, entah mengapa aku harus merasakan sedikit kesedihan. Kesedihan yang tidak wajar sebenarnya. Kesedihan hanya karena sebuah penantian. Menunggu. Ada beberapa orang yang kutunggu hari itu. Tapi, mereka tak kunjung datang hingga aku memutuskan untuk berhenti menunggu. Menungu mereka dan berlarut sedih sama saja menghapus kebahagiaan yang telah dibuat orang-orang tersayang lainnya untukku. Entah mengapa aku terlambat untuk berfikir seperti itu hingga kesedihan hampir saja merampas kebahagiaan.
Ini adalah ulang tahun pertamaku. Andai aku benar-benar terlahir kembali, akan kuperbaiki semua kesalahan yang pernah kubuat hingga tak ada kata penyesalan dalam kamus hidupku. Tapi, semua hanya andai. Walaupun begitu, aku sangat bersyukur pada Allah atas segala yang dititipkan padaku sejak detik pertama aku menghirup udara di dunia hingga tahun kedelapan belas saat ini serta atas kesalahan dan penyesalan yang pernah kualami yang selalu menjadikan diriku lebih baik lagi. Doaku bersama mereka yang selalu menyanyangiku dengan tulus. Semoga kita selalu dalam lindungan-Nya. Amin.
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Tampilkan postingan dengan label diary. Tampilkan semua postingan
Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013
Selasa, 12 Februari 2013
Satu Tahap
Yup! Pengumuman adalah suatu hal yang bisa membuat jantung siapapun yang menunggunya tidak bisa anteng. Begitu juga dengan aku dan beberapa temanku hari ini. Hari ini memang hari yang sudah kami tunggu-tunggu sejak beberapa minggu yang lalu. Sebenarnya aku bahkan lupa kalau tanggal hari ini adalah tanggal yang kunantikan dikarenakan kepalaku penuh dengan teori-teori yang dengan santainya timbul-hilang dari pikiranku saat menghadapi Pra Ujian Nasional dalam dua hari ini. Setelah salah satu teman mengingatkanku saat di sekolah, seketika muncullah perasaan harap-harap cemas. Sebuah pengumuman yang turut menentukan masa depan kami. Pembicaraan di antara kami pun tak lepas dari apa hasil yang akan kami peroleh dari pengumuman tersebut.
Lembar kerja pelajaran kedua sudah penuh lingkaran hitam (yang entah tepat sasaran atau tidak), pertanda aku akan segera pulang dan sampai rumah. Sesampainya di rumah tak sabar aku untuk menjumpai PC yang selalu setia dan sabar menampilkan hal-hal yang dicari si empunya jari pengetik keyboard. Tanpa basa-basi, kuketik pengumuman pada laman Mbah Google. Setelah searching sana-sini akhirnya dapat laman yang dicari. Antara cemas dan penasaran bercampur menjadi satu. Laman kubuka. Sepintas kubaca abjad A dan aku menemukan nama temanku di sana. Amirilia Indayati. Jeritan senangku turut mengalihkan perhatian ibuku untuk melihat apa yang kudapat. Dengan rasa penasaran dan senang, kutarik scroll sampai penghujung abjad A dalam pengumuman tersebut. Kubaca satu-persatu nama calon mahasiswa baru yang diterima setelah itu. Dan hasilnya... nothing. Namaku tidak ada di sana. Beberapa kali kuulang dan tetap tidak berubah. Padahal aku berharap terselip tulisan Berlian Chevi di sana.
Aku masih melanjutkan pencarian. Mencari nama tiga temanku yang lain. Scroll naik-turun mengikuti perintah. Kemudian kutemukan nama temanku yang lain, Nikmatul Rahmah Isnaniah. Pengumuman Kelompok IPA sudah terlewati dan tetap tidak ada aku di sana. Aku mulai membaca daftar Kelompok IPS. Ketika sampai di abjad L kutemukan lagi temanku di sana. Larasati Praniasari. Aku sempat lupa kalau Ia mendaftar di dua jurusan.
Aku mengulangi pencarian dan masih berharap ada namaku dan satu lagi temanku di sana. Tapi memang ini adalah sebuah harapan kosong. Aku yakin bahwa Eka Mutiara Putri dan aku belum mendapat giliran untuk tercantum namanya dalam pengumuman saat ini. Namun, dalam pengumuman lain berikutnya aku yakin kami ada dengan atau tanpa tulisan umy dalam laman website-nya.
Congrats buat kalian bertiga yang sudah berhasil melewati satu tahap!
Congrats Lia! |
Berharap terselip Berlian Chevi di antaranya |
Congrats Isna! |
Congrats Yass! |
Senin, 05 Maret 2012
Frog is Profit
It was morning in Banjarbaru when I was holiday last year. My family was preparing ourselves to take a walk. I still read a novel and so did my sister. My Mom made her face up. My Daddy was in terrace, exactly in garden. Suddenly, my father called me and my little sister.
"Gia... Chevi... come here! Let me make a match!"
"Match? What match?" I thought in my mind.
"This is garden of our house. Now, I ask both of you to look here for search a frog in all of small garden area. I give you the border. Just here and here." he explained us.
Wow match! The border is only about 100 x 50 cm. It was small, of course! See here, see there, see here, see there. Where is the frog? Frog...?!
My Daddy saw his children that was confused. He gave helping.
"Dears! You can do like this. See from the corner horizontally."
He showed it in the dry land (nothing grass). Certainly, we didn't look there for the frog cause nothing grass that can cover our sight. ^^a
Before we did this match, my father promised, he would give a hundred thousand rupiahs to anyone that find frog. LOL yea yeah!! Well, maybe you thought that "Oh, reasonable!" Do you know? It is so much for student like me.
Voila! I found frog! My Daddy looks liked rather shocking. :D Do you know?? The frog is in the pot. The pot is full of grass . But, no problem. I had found it! :D The key of success, except the honest, we can say THE ACCURACY, of course!
Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011
Completely Feel
July, 26th 2011
Gosh! Today was so fruity life. Yup! Like my blog's name. As my habit in this blog, I often (though my post just 3 story right now :D ) wrote about school, cause I 'stay' eight hours there from 07.30 am till 03,30 pm. So, I always meet the other human (except my family at home :)).
I have four subject today.
Biology. I felt sweet taste. I had done my homework about Biology till midnight (as some my friends habit), actually 3am. Today I got the score and that was not bad score :).
There was a raid. My teachers checked about uniformity of socks but no result. We were safe :D. One of them checked our lockers, she looked for mobile phone there. Fortunately, we safe (again). Though we were safe two times but it made us panicky. So, it was sour taste.
Sport. Hmm, we had to do the exam of sport today. The exam was 'kiss the knees'. Lots of my friends can did it. Woww!! And... unfortunately I can't. This is another sour taste.
'Skill lesson' (we called muatan lokal). No interesting there. Just embroider to make a table cloth.
Chemistry. This is so confusing subject but I love it. Chemistry is difficult but interesting cause we don't memorize lots of formulas as much as physics. (Actually, I love all science, just compare :D)
Today we had to do the exam but my teacher must explained the last topic in the first chapter before. It was not sudden exam cause she had said to us but the last topic hadn't finished yet. So, she explained today. I worry about it. Sometimes I get 'blank'mind when I shocked, confused or panicky. Ups! Sssstt, this is secret. LOL :D. I was afraid if I didn't remember them. What will happen???
Before we got the exam, Mam gave task to us. I got confused, I asked my friend about it (called A).
Me : Do you know about it? I'm confused, Sist.
B : (beside A, she answered to me) Hey!! We hadn't done. You must go away! --she said by over expression-- (Hey! Kami tuh belom selesai. Lo pergi aja dari sini!, Indonesian red).
The other friends gave me applause, they cheered unexpectedly and all of them gave me two thumb up. :D
What's going on???
They shocked to see my expression. LOL :D It was not ordinary Chevi they think. :D :D
Me : LOL (I was shocked cause shocked why they are shocked). A, answered me please....
A : Wait a minute. Suddenly, I got a stroke :D
Me : Oh No.....!! LOL :D (sweet remembrance )
The exam was started. My teacher divided us into two groups for this exam. I was first group, so my friends and I did the exam first and the second group outside of class. Panicky panicky panicky, confused, confused. We (first group) got our score faster cause Mam had checked ours first. Alhamdulillah, I got perfect. Hopefully 'my panic' never come anymore.
Gosh! Today was so fruity life. Yup! Like my blog's name. As my habit in this blog, I often (though my post just 3 story right now :D ) wrote about school, cause I 'stay' eight hours there from 07.30 am till 03,30 pm. So, I always meet the other human (except my family at home :)).
I have four subject today.
Biology. I felt sweet taste. I had done my homework about Biology till midnight (as some my friends habit), actually 3am. Today I got the score and that was not bad score :).
There was a raid. My teachers checked about uniformity of socks but no result. We were safe :D. One of them checked our lockers, she looked for mobile phone there. Fortunately, we safe (again). Though we were safe two times but it made us panicky. So, it was sour taste.
Sport. Hmm, we had to do the exam of sport today. The exam was 'kiss the knees'. Lots of my friends can did it. Woww!! And... unfortunately I can't. This is another sour taste.
'Skill lesson' (we called muatan lokal). No interesting there. Just embroider to make a table cloth.
Chemistry. This is so confusing subject but I love it. Chemistry is difficult but interesting cause we don't memorize lots of formulas as much as physics. (Actually, I love all science, just compare :D)
Today we had to do the exam but my teacher must explained the last topic in the first chapter before. It was not sudden exam cause she had said to us but the last topic hadn't finished yet. So, she explained today. I worry about it. Sometimes I get 'blank'mind when I shocked, confused or panicky. Ups! Sssstt, this is secret. LOL :D. I was afraid if I didn't remember them. What will happen???
Before we got the exam, Mam gave task to us. I got confused, I asked my friend about it (called A).
Me : Do you know about it? I'm confused, Sist.
B : (beside A, she answered to me) Hey!! We hadn't done. You must go away! --she said by over expression-- (Hey! Kami tuh belom selesai. Lo pergi aja dari sini!, Indonesian red).
(Don't think , she was serious. Nobody serious here. So silly together :D)
Me : Hey! I don't ask to you! -- I answered MORE over-- (Gue gak ngomong sama elo!, Indonesian red)The other friends gave me applause, they cheered unexpectedly and all of them gave me two thumb up. :D
What's going on???
They shocked to see my expression. LOL :D It was not ordinary Chevi they think. :D :D
Me : LOL (I was shocked cause shocked why they are shocked). A, answered me please....
A : Wait a minute. Suddenly, I got a stroke :D
Me : Oh No.....!! LOL :D (sweet remembrance )
The exam was started. My teacher divided us into two groups for this exam. I was first group, so my friends and I did the exam first and the second group outside of class. Panicky panicky panicky, confused, confused. We (first group) got our score faster cause Mam had checked ours first. Alhamdulillah, I got perfect. Hopefully 'my panic' never come anymore.
Senin, 11 Juli 2011
New Class
Hi there! :)
Today is my first day in the second grade of Senior High School. My friends and I waited for the announcement about our class. Finally, my classmates and I are asked to occupy a class beside our class.
Yeah! That's my class now. I am happier in my first grade than my second grade. I have some reasons.
After getting the class, we had to seizure our chairs. It means we seizured the place of our chairs in the class. Unfortunately, I didn't get the place that I want. The explanation of my desire is like the picture.
Red is the most I wanted or I have the second choices. They are the yellow but I got the blue colour. :'(
*I'm sorry, the picture is bad colouring.
Though I have lots of sighs, I get the profit and a trouble simultaneously cause I sit precise in front of teacher's seat. My profit is easy to talk to teacher and the trouble is shy if I can't answer my teacher's question. So, I must be ready anywhen. Wish me always luck! :D
Today is my first day in the second grade of Senior High School. My friends and I waited for the announcement about our class. Finally, my classmates and I are asked to occupy a class beside our class.
Yeah! That's my class now. I am happier in my first grade than my second grade. I have some reasons.
- My first impression is dark room. My new class is obstructed by two buildings in front of it and behind it, so the sun light can't shine my class freely.
- Another impression, my second class is smaller than my first class. This situation makes the distance to see is so narrow.
After getting the class, we had to seizure our chairs. It means we seizured the place of our chairs in the class. Unfortunately, I didn't get the place that I want. The explanation of my desire is like the picture.
Red is the most I wanted or I have the second choices. They are the yellow but I got the blue colour. :'(
*I'm sorry, the picture is bad colouring.
I'm still in the first row but it's not strategic place. I worry sitting there. These are my reasons (again):
- I can't sit by erect body to see the whiteboard cause I'm not in the middle as the whiteboard and the teachers rarely explain the lessons from their chairs. They will stand in the middle.
- Cross-eyed. This is rather silly reason but who knows? :D
Though I have lots of sighs, I get the profit and a trouble simultaneously cause I sit precise in front of teacher's seat. My profit is easy to talk to teacher and the trouble is shy if I can't answer my teacher's question. So, I must be ready anywhen. Wish me always luck! :D
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