
Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013

(Un)Defined Four Letters

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L-O-V-E. Love. What is love? What is the meaning of  love? Who is love? Whether love is beautiful or bad? Will love make us happy or make us sad? Every question about love is a difficult question to answer. The answer about it never exactly same.

Love. The meaning of love is universal. It can mean loving parents, family, teachers, friends and else. If I talk about the universality of love, it will take lots of postings, right? So, I think talk about love that take place between a boy and a girl in teenagers life or a man and a woman that are in love each others, is the interesting one to talk by my point of view. So, what is love?

Love. Love is beautiful. Love is bad. Love is sweet. Love is bitter. Love is funny. Love is boring. Love is cool. Love is strange. Love is extraordinary. Love is illogical. Love is awesome.  Love is crazy. Love is amazing. Love is blind. Love is kind. Love is pain. Love is complicated! Too many words can defined about love. Even some of the words that have the antonyms, both also the meaning of love. Last but not least, love is unpredictable!

They said love is beautiful one and the others said love is bad, pain. What's wrong here? I'm with the people said love is beautiful. Why? Cause people who said love is bad ever felt the beautiful of love before it. Love appears in the beautiful ways but sometimes  by some reasons we can't say about love and make it feel love is bad. The broken heart people also ever felt that love is beautiful, right? Meanwhile, people who said love is beautiful always keep the love stay beautiful and never allow love getting bad meaning. 

Love.  I can say "I love you" or "I love him" when something happens to me. It means I got strange feeling that I rare to feel it. Love means I can hear my heart beats. Of course, it's caused my heart beats faster. Whenever I feel it, it always happens all of sudden. Unpredictable! Do you feel as I do?

Cause love is a sudden feeling for me, I believe in love at the first sight. It because he surely can amaze me on the first impression. It's all about heart. Whatever my heart say about love though sometimes feeling so illogical.  My heart is mine but God is controller of it. So, love is the feeling when God permits me to feel it.
Keep calm and stay feelin' love! :)

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